BookBlogWriMo Day 5


In an ideal world, my blog would be perfect, drive a lot of traffic, influence a lot of sales for authors, and be a household name. Unrealistic dreams have a wonderful sense of grandeur for this lone blogger. Here are some more realistic goals I can see happening over the course of the next year:

  • I want my own domain. I’m unsure how I want to go about this, who would host it, how I’d transfer all of these posts, or anything . . . but it will happen eventually.
  • I’d love to get to the point where I am posting at least twice per week. I took a small hiatus recently so I could focus on editing for Michele, school, and family, but I’m back now and hopping in full force.

This year’s BookBlogWriMo is hosted by The Perks of Being a Book Girl. If you want to sign up at any point, jump right in!

Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 5

I am thankful for weekend snuggles (and anytime snuggles) with my two favorite guys – the hubs and the little man.

BookBlogWriMo Day 2 | Thanks


What are some of your favorite book blogs, booktubers, bookstagram, and podcasts?

The first one on this list isn’t necessarily a blog, but a blog-related page. I have a lot of blogs I follow, so I’m only going to share a few for this post. As a little extra fun, share your own blog links and a description of your blog in the comments of this post. I love discovering new pages I haven’t seen before. 🙂 

Indie Authors and Book Bloggers
I LOVE this page, especially on Thursdays. Their Thursday Blogger/Author/Reader/Editor confessions get me through the day. I laugh, I scowl, and sometimes I tag a few posts because I can benefit from the comments. They post great book suggestions, works in progress from authors, spotlights, and great book-related clothing and other products. 

Platypire Reviews
Platypire Reviews is a great mixed bag of awesome. They are a wonderful team of reviewers who adorably refer to each other as “Platypire Bob” and “Platypire Maribel”… like really, I sort of want to pinch their platypire cheeks. They have great senses of humor and post fantastic graphics. They’re actively reviewing all genres of books, and with such a large team they’re able to consistently post. Another great thing about Platypire Reviews is their Deja Revu blog post roundup; they take blog post submissions from other blogs and round them up by genre in a weekly post. You can view that HERE.

The Literary Connoisseur 
On top of well-written and thoughtful reviews, The Literary Connoisseur shares some wonderfully relevant articles and blog posts from around the web. I’ve shared a few of their posts on my own blog page, loving the graphics they share, including humorous memes and cartoons. There is nice variety in the books reviewed on this blog, which  keeps me on my toes when looking at book posts.

Just Another Girl and Her Books
This blog always posts some really great book suggestions and teasers. I love her mail call posts and hope to eventually be in the same boat where I have a plethora of books sent to me from publishers each month. (One day! Consistency will be key for this goal. haha.) I also love that she has such a great variety in the books she posts about. There’s a little something on her blog for everyone.

I look forward to taking part in this year’s BookBlogWriMo, hosted by The Perks of Being a Book Girl (another really awesome blog to check out!) If you want to sign up at any point, jump right in!

Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 2

I am thankful for foot rubs at the end of a really long day. They’re perfect for relieving some of the pain of migraines and stress, and they’re a sure way to make me fall asleep pretty quickly. 🙂

#BookBlogWriMo Day 1 | Thanks


What have you been up to since BookBlogWriMo 2015?

This past year has gone by in a blur. I’ve been editing like crazy and just finished up Michele’s most recent piece After The Fall. It’s always a joy working with her, and I count my blessings every day to be going strong as her editor for the past 2+ years. I’ve taken a much more lengthy hiatus from this blog than I would have liked, but life is pretty hectic lately. With a one-year-old, two jobs, school, and family . . . well, it’s easy to see why I’ve been less active on here. I have these next couple weeks off, so I will be dedicating some more time to blogging. This BookBlogWriMo will definitely be different than the last one. I had a two-month-old at that point and was in no state to keep up with the daily demand of posting, let alone staying awake for extended periods of time.

I look forward to taking part in this year’s BookBlogWriMo, hosted by The Perks of Being a Book Girl. If you want to sign up at any point, jump right in!

Thirty Days of Thanks – Day 1

I am thankful for the sound machine in my son’s room. It’s peaceful and helps us all relax after a long day, and it allows me to sneak around upstairs without fear of making too much noise. 😛 

#BookBlogWriMo Day 27 – Authors I’m Thankful For and Thanks

27 authors i'm thankful for

#BookBlogWriMo Day 27 – Authors I’m Thankful For

I am thankful for all authors, but there are definitely a few standouts for me that have made an impact on my life:

  • S.E. Hinton – She was the first author who inspired me to do more. She wrote my favorite book, The Outsiders, as a teenager.
  • J.K. Rowling – Growing up with Harry Potter completely changed my life. I actually can’t imagine what life would have been like without the yearly book and movie releases. I love that I can keep going back to these books and relive everything all over again. I’m so thankful to JKR for introducing me to such a wonderful world.
  • Michele G. Miller – Blogging is pretty great, especially because you get to meet awesome authors. Sometimes these authors become your friends. Sometimes you get to do work for them. I get the best of both these worlds – I edit her incredible books and have gained a friend in the process.

30 Days of Thanks – Day 27

I am thankful for family tradition and Thanksgiving. I love that I can count on certain things to happen at this time every year. I love that I get to spend time with my family and closest friends.

#BookBlogWriMo Day 25 – How I Deal With Book Hangovers and Thanks

25 book hangovers

#BookBlogWriMo Day 25 – How I Deal With Book Hangovers

“What is a book hangover?” you ask? Well, it’s not that complicated. Actually, it’s quite similar to an alcohol-book hangoverinduced hangover. They occur when you imbibe in too much great literature. It’s that moment when you shut a book and realize that you don’t have anything left; that world has closed off to you and you’re left at a loss. Your brain stops functioning a bit, you potentially have a bit of a headache, and nothing makes sense. You feel like something has been pulled from you and you’ll never get it back.

These moments are like the plague. I despise them, but I also feel some sense of comfort knowing that I just partook in something incredible and had an experience that I wouldn’t have ever again. I thrive on those book hangovers. Sure, I may crave more, but then I try the following to pull myself out:

1. Think – Jeesh, what a concept! That’s right. I think about what I just read. I let it soak in. It makes me feel a little loopy, and perhaps gives me a bit of a headache, but I sit and think about it. Let it stew. What did I just read? What did it make me feel? Why do I think it made me feel that way?

2. Feel That Loss – Acceptance is important here. I take that emotional trauma and the despair of closing that book, and feel it. Embracing what you feel helps to make those next steps easier.

3. Seek Out the Author – This sort of happens at the same time as feeling the loss. When I finish a book that I really enjoy, I tend to seek out the author to find out what’s next. If it’s a series, I like to know when to expect the next book release. I go forth to ‘like’ the author’s page on Facebook and other sites and learn more about their other potential books.

4. Let Go and Move On – Now comes the moving on bit. Once I have that piece of closure in knowing more books follow or that there are other fish in the library of the sea, I am able to move on. I place that book on my shelf and move to the next indulgence, starting that process all over again. Will I ever learn? I hope not.

book hangover necklage


30 Days of Thanks – Day 25

I am thankful for snow boots and rain boots, and other protective weather gear!


#BookBlogWriMo Day 18/19 – Sub-Genres, TBR List, and Thanks

updated 18 and 19#BookBlogWriMo Day 18 and 19

So, I’m a day behind again. Literally konked out on my pillow last night after doing my homework and didn’t realize until it was already after midnight that Day 18 passed me by. Well, faithful readers and friends, here it is. Two days of fun bookish joy and some thanks.

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#BookBlogWriMo Day 17 – My Favorite Book Tropes and Thanks

fav book tropes and thanks 17

#BookBlogWriMo Day 17 – My Favorite Book Tropes

Ah, so many clichés and so little time. I try to read things that aren’t predictable or stereotypical, but sometimes I’m just drawn to those stories that include those topics, character, or plot devices that make me squee with happiness or burrow my brow deep in thought. Here are some of my favorites:

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#BookBlogWriMo Day 15/16 – My Favorite and Least Favorite Things about Blogging [and Thanks]

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#BookBlogWriMo Day 15 and 16!!

So, I was out of pocket all day yesterday, thus you have a two-in-one post!!

My Favorite Book Blogging Things

  • Getting to read – Well, I’d hope this was one of my favorite things about this process, otherwise doing it would be silly!!
  • Meeting new people – I’ve met so many great authors and bloggers through this process. Having the chance to become an editor for one of those authors was even greater and that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t have this blog. They’re something great about being a part of this community; we all understand the addiction.
  • Discovering new favorite authors and books – Oh my. My Kindle has SO many great books on it. I’m always finding new great books on BookHub and through book tours and recommendations.
  • Free books – Ah, does this really need explanation? This is a wonderful perk.
  • The opportunity to do what I love – I went to school for English and Journalism, so I’m happy to be able to put that to good use. I enjoy doing this. It’s fun, productive, and educational.
  • Having the chance to read books before release – Another great perk! It’s what I’d imagine going to a movie premier would be like – just without the celebrities and photo ops!

My Least Favorite Book Blogging Things

  • It can get expensive – Oh yes. Once you get hooked on an author or book series, stopping the chain of purchase is very difficult.
  • Over booking – This is so easy when there are so many great opportunities to review so many great books. I’ve recently taken a look at my methods and cut back a bit so I can get my ducks in a row.
  • Not having enough time to read everything – The plight of all major book worms.

30 Days of Thanks – Day 15 and 16

I am thankful for great friends. It’s always wonderful to look forward to fun get togethers with friends [and family.] Friends are the family we get to choose for ourselves.

I am thankful for public transportation. Sure, driving is great – but public transit allows for decompression time!